
  • Rush Hour

    Rush Hour is a game about grocery shopping during rush hour. The game can be played at: https://calicoexe.itch.io/rush-hour

    Technology Used:
    – Unity
    – Playdate SDK (For version 1)
    – Playdate Pulp (For prototyping)


    Full development log can be found and downloaded below:

  • The Ripper’s Trail

    The Ripper’s Trail is a Jack the Ripper Interactive Murder Board Game in collaboration with Katharina Trappe and Anukriti Gupta.

    Technology/Software used:
    – Arduino Mega & Uno
    – Arduino IDE

    All versions of Arduino coding: https://skylarlaw.notion.site/skylarlaw/Jack-the-Ripper-Arduino-Coding-bcaf041f04c747f7a791e2717266c4f9

    Disclaimer: If you intend to utilize the codes or refer to this project, kindly get in touch with me personally via email at skylarlaw.vis@gmail.com prior to usage.

    Full development log can be found and downloaded below:

  • Undercooked!

    Undercooked is a collect and avoid game in collaboration with Vlad Chandran.

    Game is playable on: https://calicoexe.itch.io/undercooked


    • Create a replayable game which requires you to collect, deliver and avoid
    • Have a selection of different recipes for the player to collect the ingredients and deliver dishes to customers
    • Have an obstacle/something to avoid (in this case, a mouse) that could cause an issue or hassle for the player while performing the collection task

    Development process

    1. Conceptualising a food themed game with the idea of collecting ingredients and delivering dishes while avoiding the little mouse running around your restaurant eating your food.
    2. Creating a hover to collect system, inventory system as well as a delivery system. Completing the basic mechanics for the collection aspect. (Vlad)
      Figure 1: Sketches for in-game character
    3. Creating visual concepts for the game to finalise the environment playable layout.
    4. Implementing the food-stealing mouse by adding waypoints and clearing inventory upon collision with the player. (Vlad)
    5. Finalising the visuals for the prototype, adding animation and effects on Unity and creating a final logo for the game.

    Figure 1: Sketches for in-game character

    Figure 2: Initial concept of dining hall (red exclamation marks indicates collection/delivery points)

    Figure 3: Initial concept of kitchen. Dining hall and kitchen used to be separated, this would require a scene break

    Figure 4: Outline layout of kitchen and dining area (merged)

    Figure 5: Prototype: In-game visuals of Undercooked!

    Playtesting feedback

    Players felt that eventually, the game felt very repetitiveAdd more recipes and dishes with multiple kinds of unique/shared ingredients. 
    This tactic would require some cognitive thinking from players to collect the right ingredients before delivering to the customers. 
    This could potentially add a bit of chaos if a timer was added as well.
    There were not enough tasks (recipes/dishes) for the players to collect and deliver. 
    Players felt that the mouse was very easy to avoid, there was no challenge to itAdd more routes and create a simple AI for the mouse to run around when a certain amount of dishes has been delivered. 
    This would drastically add difficulty to the game in whole.
    Due to the waypoint we had placed for the mouse, the more times the player plays through, the pattern becomes very obvious.
    For the more competitive players, they felt that there was no sense of winning/rewardAdd rewards for upgrades on kitchenware (to cook faster), new recipes and cosmetics. 
    This would let players grind for the little rewards to personalise their playing experience.
    There are currently no rewards for the players when a dish is delivered. We had thoughts on adding rewards for the players for future updates.
    Players felt that sometimes you could accidentally collect the ingredients twice/collect the wrong ingredients by walking past itAdd a pressable button to collect the ingredient, this will add an additional step to collect the ingredient, but it would prevent players accidentally collecting the items by just simply walking past itWe initially thought that with the collision being so small, the players wouldn’t have collect it on accident

    Critical Reflection

    Before settling on the idea of Undercooked, there were a lot of unique ideas which we could have approached. Due to time constraints and the complexity of the ideas, implementing it into Unity would be a time consuming task. I am not entirely satisfied with how Undercooked came to be as I know we have more plans for it to be a proper full fledged game. All of the feedback we received was valid and would allow us to potentially work towards improving it. If we do decide to work on the game in the future, I would like to attempt creating a mouse AI system by using a 2D pathfinding nav-mesh. This would allow us to add difficulty to the avoid aspect of the game.

  • (“Hello World!”);

    My name is Skylar Law.
    I am a Concept/Illustration Artist and a Game Designer. I am currently a MA Game Design student at University of the Arts London.

    The aim of this website is to log all of my game development progress from academic to personal work. All blogposts will be tagged/categorised accordingly.

    You may find my games here. If you have any questions or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me at skylarlaw.vis@gmail.com.

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